Firm Hires Brett Kozlowski as Taxable Bond Portfolio Manager.
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Municipal Bond
While recent fixed income returns have been disappointing, there are several reasons to be optimistic about the asset class.
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Fiscal conditions across state governments remain healthy as the sector heads into 2025.
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Titling Assets
Don’t Miss This Critical Aspect of Estate Planning
While having an up-to-date will is a vital step in estate planning, it’s also important to ensure your financial assets and property are titled properly, and that you have designated the correct beneficiaries. Titling assets, including individual and joint ownership or making the assets part of a trust, determines who will receive the assets. Forgoing this part of your estate planning can lead to increased taxes, disagreements among heirs, and even the undesirable need for probate. When making titling decisions, it is important to consider marital status, exposure to any possible liabilities or creditors for property owners, inheritance prospects, and Medicare benefit eligibility. Carefully evaluate each option, as well as the implications for each.
Individual Ownership
The simplest way to hold title to a property or investment account is individually. When the title to an asset/account is held freely and clearly by a single individual, that person maintains the sole right to transfer the title of that asset. Assets titled in this way are fully subject to the claims of an individual’s creditors and are considered part of their estate when they die.
Individuals owning property or investment accounts may establish a Payable on Death (POD) or Transfer on Death (TOD) designation to ensure assets are transferred directly to their designated beneficiary without going through probate.
Joint Ownership
More than one individual holds title to the property in these arrangements, and there are multiple options to choose from. Each state has its own specific requirements for which type of deed may be used and how titles can be held, so it is important to consult with a legal advisor in your state when choosing the best option.
1. Tenancy in Common (TIC)
2. Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship (JTWROS)
3. Tenancy by the Entirety (TBE)
Trust Assets
There are many types of trusts to choose from, and each can help ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes after death, as well as help protect assets from estate taxes and avoid probate costs.
GW&K’s Private Wealth Management Team
We have a team of private wealth advisors to help you manage your assets and plan for the future. Our Private Wealth services include guidance on wealth transfer planning, lifestyle, and overall asset allocation planning services. We encourage you to contact your relationship manager to discuss your goals and the potential opportunities to meet them.
Melissa F. Jacoby
Vice President, Wealth StrategistDisclosures
GW&K is not authorized to provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not written or intended as an individualized recommendation or substitute for specific legal or tax advice, within the meaning of IRS Circular 230 or otherwise. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change, which can materially impact investment results. The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Individuals are encouraged to consult with a professional tax, legal or accounting advisor regarding their specific legal or tax situation.