Client respect, collaboration, & access to our investment professionals

These core values are embedded in our culture and define GW&K’s relationships with its advisory, institutional, and private clients. The individual care we give to each of our clients can be traced to the firm’s origin nearly 50 years ago servicing the specific needs of our private clients.

Our hallmark is balance – the equal attention we give to our large and small clients, our proven ability to preserve and grow capital, and in our commitment to institutional quality and an entrepreneurial spirit.

GW&K stands by the integrity of its investment process and the firm’s long track record of investment success. We excel in finding value in inefficient equity and fixed income markets with an exceptional focus on quality.

To achieve these objectives we give great attention to creating an environment of trust and respect – for both our clients and employees – it is the foundation for the firm’s stability and consistent investment success.

Client Relationship Summary

GW&K Investment Management, LLC (GW&K) is a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered investment adviser with office locations in Massachusetts, New York and Florida.

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A Letter from Our Co-CEOs

By the Numbers

  • 0 Years investing for clients
  • $0B Assets under management
  • 0 Number of strategies offered
  • 0 Number of employees
  • 0 Volunteer opportunities for employees in 2023
  • 0 Number of investment professionals
  • 0 Investment professionals’ average years investment experience
  • 0 Investment professionals’ combined years investment experience
  • 0 Number of employees who have worked at GW&K for longer than 15 years
  • 0 Number of charities supported by GW&K and our employees in 2023
  • 0 Number of countries where clients are from
  • 0 Languages spoken by employees
An introduction to the firm by our leaders – Harold, Tom, and Bill


Bond Buyer – GW&K’s 2Q24 Municipal Bond Commentary Quoted

Municipal Bond | Press Mention

The Bond Buyer quoted GW&K’s 2Q24 Municipal Bond Commentary in an article entitled, “Short-term munis firmer, muni mutual funds inflows.”

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GW&K Global Equities Market Commentary – 2Q 2024

Global Equity | Market Commentary

Global equity markets spent the quarter moving around but going nowhere. An April selloff led to a May rally only to end June slightly lower but off the worst levels.

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GW&K Taxable Bond Market Commentary – 2Q 2024

Taxable Bond | Market Commentary

After an unsteady start to the quarter that saw upside surprises to both growth and inflation, evidence emerged that the lagged effects of tight monetary policy might finally be working.

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Stay Updated & Informed with GW&K

GW&K's CIO and Portfolio Managers share their insights and opinions on the economy and market each quarter.

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